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Everyone likes to be appreciated. Getting a nomination for an award to do something you are just trying to learn and understand is the best motivation one can ever get. I cannot be grateful enough of Rachael Featherstone (@WRITERachael) for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Thank you Rachael and I congratulate every blogger who got nominated for this award.

Rachael’s website:

The Liebster Award originated in Germany and was set up as a way to discover new blogs. The rules are simple:

. Post the award on your blog. (check)
. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog. (check)
. Write 11 random facts about yourself. (check)
. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers. (check)
. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions. (check)

Here are 11 random facts about me:

  1. I love to read, listen, watch or research anything motivational or for self development I have an open mind and I am always ready to learn.
  2. I love mythology and I try to find teachings in the stories that others overlook.
  3. I love watching animation and Rom-Com (Romantic Comedy) movies but if you ask me I’ll say I like action, adventure and mystery filled movies.
  4. I cannot go without my chai (Tea Indian style) and I prefer only the ones I make.
  5. I am a confident speaker and I love to talk in front of a huge group even with little or no practice.
  6. I admire a great sense of humour and like to have people around who has it. I cannot tolerate a pessimist and keep my distance from one.
  7. My biggest desire is to travel the world in luxury and see all the exciting places with my husband.
  8. I dated my husband for 10 years before we got married.
  9. I love cooking anything and everything with my husband. He’s a great cook.
  10. I love natural products and ingredients and I always pick something 100% natural over chemicals. 80% of things I put on my skin or hair are edible.
  11. I love to write and make up stories to entertain readers.

Here are Rachael’s 11 questions for me:

1. How long have you been blogging?

Well just started in January this year. Just like many nominees of this wonderful award I am pretty new at this.

2. Why do you blog?

I love to write and this is the best and easiest not to mention fastest way to share my writing with the world.

3. What accomplishment are you most proud of to date?

My finished novel (not published yet), my blog, my brief banking career, my masters degree and my constant quest to gain all available knowledge that will have a positive effect on my life.

4. What is your biggest fear?

Ghosts; I am not kidding. I get very scared if someone tells me of a haunted story. I don’t even watch horror movies as I have a painfully active imagination and if you tell me something scary I can easily see it in my mind especially when I am alone.

5. Who is your favourite author?

This keeps changing as per the book I read at that particular time. I love to read some authors amazing work again and again. If I have to name a few I’ll list some biggies like Napoleon Hill, Wallace D Wattles, Shakti Gawain and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (I am sorry it’s hard for me to name one)

6. What is your favourite food?

Here we go again how I can name one when there is so much delicious food all around me. If I have to choose one I’ll say the delightful Homemade Ice Creams specially Kulfi (Indian rich and creamy reduced milk ice cream) that my mom makes completely from fresh ingredients without any ready to make stuff.

7. Where do you most want to go on holiday/ travel?

Tahiti (I love beaches.)

8. What is your favourite sport?

Not a big sports fan if I have to jump in one I’ll prefer to jump in a pool; so Swimming.

9. What is your worst habit?

Sluggishness: I have to push myself to do things I don’t like to do but have to do.

10. Are you planning to do the A-Z Blog Challenge and why?

Definitely I am taking part in this wonderful challenge. It’s an amazing opportunity to be more regular with the blog and interact with many other bloggers. I am very excited for this challenge bit nervous but excited.

11. What do you most want to accomplish over the next five years?

A successful writing career, complete financial freedom, a healthy and happy family and if it can get any better than this than include that too 🙂

Let me be the first to congratulate all the 11 bloggers I nominated (following names are in no particular order):












Here are My 11 questions for you:

  1. Why did you start your blog?
  • Are you going to participate in the A-Z writing challenge in April? Why or why not?
  • What is the one book that you can say changed your life for good?

  • Do you believe in Destiny?

  • What is the most effective method as per you to make a blog famous?

  • What is your happiest memory?

  • If you get a chance to dine with one famous person of any century, who will you choose?

  • Three things you never leave your house without?

  • If you can have any animal in the world as your pet, which animal will you choose?

  • What superpower you would choose for yourself if you are given a choice to choose from any superpower you can imagine of?

  • Name your favourite character from any film, television series or a book?

  • I would love to read your answers soon.

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    2 Responses

    1. Thanks Philip, I am so exicited about the A to Z Challenge. I am a new blogger and this is my first challenge. All the best.

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