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Today morning I was pleasantly surprised when I received a beautiful gift from Colgate (#Colgate360GoldMornings). The gift’s packaging reminded me how wonderful a morning can be. I consider myself a positive person but just like everyone else, I too sometimes get overwhelmed with the challenges of the daily grind.

My husband works long hours and it gets frustrating for us as many times we have to compromise on our sleep and today was one of those days. The alarm went off and I dragged myself out of the bed with a heavy head. I was feeling a grumpy, as I was busy with my morning chores the doorbell rang. I opened the door with almost a grunt and was surprised with a package. Coalgate scheduled the delivery before 7am and I got mine in time.

Before even opening the package, I could sense a big change in my mood. I felt happy to be surprised in such a nice way and when I opened the package, I was impressed with how beautiful and uplifting the contents and design on the packaging was.

Colgate Gold Morning
Colgate Gold Morning

My mood this morning turned from grumpy to inspired after reading the first sentence on the Colgate box; “It’s time to wake up to a Gold Morning!” I am grateful to Colgate (#Colgate360GoldMornings) to remind me how important it is to start the morning on a positive note. Every morning we are given a chance to start anew. Everything that is important to us gets a fresh opportunity with the start of a new day.

I completely agree with these motivational words of Og Mandino; “Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.”

My Morning Mantra is simple it is just two words – “Thank You”. I have a ritual of saying “Thank You!” the moment I wake up. Almost every day I wake up feeling grateful for my life. Some rare days like today I forget to say my mantra but I do get to it later in the day. I thank the creator for another day, another opportunity and another chance to try to fulfill my dreams.

I fill my day with optimism by being grateful for everything that has made my life. You know what makes my good mornings turn to Gold, it is a simple but very powerful practice of counting my blessings and being grateful for them.

Colgate brandcover

This blog post was sponsored by Colgate India (#Colgate360GoldMornings).

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