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Berger Express Painting
Berger Express Painting


Saturday Berger Paints and IndiBlogger arranged an activity-filled event about innovation in house painting. It was interesting to know how much the painting world has changed. I wish I knew about Berger Express Painting service couple of years back when I painted my house. This advanced technology makes painting job a faster, cleaner and better method then the tradition painters. If you are planning to paint your house or just get one of those fancy textured walls then do check out the Berger Express Painting service and save a lot of your time and sanity in the process.

My experience with Traditional Painting Method:

Couple of year back I planned to change the paint of my house to a very elegant cream color which I had in my mind for quite a long time. Every room in my house was of a different color and the only instruction I gave to the local contractor/ painter was to change every room to my choice of cream that I selected from a range of almost identical colors sheet of cream and white at the local store that the contractor suggested.

The store-owner and contractor spoke in their mother tongue that I could not understand which made me feel like I was being taken for a ride. I should have noticed the red flags but as he was the only painter available before Diwali, I ignored my gut feelings and went with every suggestion the contractor was throwing in my direction.

The moment I purchased the paint cans and fresh brushes, the contractor took over the project and I felt that I had no control of what was going on in my own house. Next 12 to 15 days my house was a complete mess and I felt helpless and frustrated.

The bloggers meet made me realise that Berger Express Painting would have saved my Time, Money and Sanity. 

How Berger Express Painting Tools would have helped:

Amazing “Home Painting Tools” 


Short-handle Sanding Machine
Short-handle Sanding Machine

The workers had little to no regards about my furniture and a lot of time the ignored my suggestion to cover up the things in my house. My house was dusty and it was difficult to work, eat and even sleep because of the toxic dust in the house.

Here the Sanding Machine would have worked like a charm as it is,

Multipurpose Mixer

The shade of my choice changed in the mixing process. As every room had, a different base color that the workers did not sand of completely the cream shade looked different in every room, which was not what I demanded from the contractor.   

Here the Multipurpose Mixer could have helped get the shade and texture right as it is,

Auto Roller
Auto Roller

The workers sanded off the old color with hand and it was ended up uneven and with bad finishing. The brushes could not cover up the sloppy work and the whole wall got a bad finishing.

Here the Auto Roller would have helped as it is,

high pressure washer
High Pressure Washer

The high pressure washer helps to clean up difficult to clean walls like the ones that are blackened or have fungus as it is,  

The Airless Paint Sprayer can give an uniform finish as it is,

About Berger Express Painting –

Berger Paints India being an innovation driven organization has come up with the Berger Express Painting service in order to upgrade the painting process. For some time now market research showed that the process of painting, for consumers was a very time consuming affair which came with its share of health hazards. Keeping this in mind Berger Paints has come up with the motto of a “Faster, Cleaner and Better” experience for consumers with its Express Painting service. It has been designed keeping in mind the upgradation of the painting process whereby both the consumers and the applicator benefits from this new service. On the one hand it promises the consumer a world class painting experience minus the dust, dirt and paint spillage with excellent finish and on the other hand it assures the applicator of more business by reducing the time required for each painting assignment.

With tools designed to specifically make the process of painting faster and hassle-free, painting is now an enjoyable experience:

40 percent faster than traditional painting!

Trained painters for efficient and better painting

Get sparkling results with our no-mess tools!

Cutting-edge vacuum suction-enabled sanding machines keep your house dust-free!

Better coverage and smoothness guaranteed each time!

Our certified tools ensure a better finish with high efficiency!

All these benefits and more offered at no additional cost!

About Berger Paints

Berger Paints India is headquartered at Kolkata, with 10 strategically located manufacturing units and about 110 stock points. The company also has an international presence in 4 countries (Nepal, Bangladesh, Poland and Russia). With employee strength of above 2800 and a countrywide distribution network of 25,000+ dealers, Berger is acclaimed as a game changer in the sector with a vibrant portfolio of paints and tailor-made customer services in every paint segment.




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4 Responses

  1. Hey, thanks a lot! Do types of paint matter? I hear there are premium paints with weather-resistant features or high-gloss finish. Was wondering if it’s worth the price.

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